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manufactured by high re-baking process

Writer : Admin Date : 2015-01-28 (수) 15:16 Hit : 9268
Features - accepted for a wide range of petroleum refining, chemical and petrochemical applications natural gas processing, industrial gases,catalytic cracking, desulfurization, polymerization, LPG treatment, thermal cracking, catalytic oxidation, hydrocracking methanation, molecular sieve separation, sulfur recovery, dryers. etc...)
- maximum resistance to erosion and attrition minimizes the possibility of catalyst contamination.
- have an extraordinary ability to withstand extreme thermal shock without breaking.
- free of sulfur, boron and common catalytic poison.
white, 3mm(1/8"), 6mm(1/4"), 13mm(1/2"), 25mm(1") leachable iron <0.1%, SiO2 70% , Al2O3 20%, bulk density;1.450kg/m3, specific gravity ; 2.4

☞Special Character

Total : 5 / New : 0
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