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Alkaline Filter
Alkaline Filter
Anti-Oxidant Alkaline Hydrogen Reducing(AHR ORP) Filter11, Anti-Oxidant Alkaline Hydrogen Reducing(AHR ORP) Filter
Anti-Oxidant Alkaline Hydrogen Reducing(AHR ORP) Filter

Anti-Oxidant AHR filter
makes ORP(oxidation reducing potential)water between
-100mv _ -350mv depending on source water condition andmakes Alkaline drinking water(PH 8-9.5).
Removes bad smell, taste, bacterial, fungi, organic pollution in water. Contains inorganic minerals for goal healthy body(Ca, K, Na, Mg). Increase water of natural healing ability & immunity.
-100mv _ -350mv depending on source water condition andmakes Alkaline drinking water(PH 8-9.5).
Removes bad smell, taste, bacterial, fungi, organic pollution in water. Contains inorganic minerals for goal healthy body(Ca, K, Na, Mg). Increase water of natural healing ability & immunity.
Filter content materials ; natural tourmaline ceramic ball, high fineness activated carbon, ORP magnesium coated mineral ball, antibacterial silver ball.
Effective purification capacity ; 7,000 - 8,000 liter
Replacement cycle ; 12-13 months. * Type ; 8", 11", 14", others
Lowering of oxidation reduction potential(ORP)
Rising of hydrogen ion concentration(PH)
Increase of oxidation resistance
Make ionization water for quite healthy body
Removes oxygen free radical(O3) which is a harmful factor to health.
Mg +2H2O - Mg(OH)2 + O3 (oxygen free radical) - H2O(water) The generating reasons of the "Oxygen free radical" ; stress, cigarette, liquor, smoke, ultra violet rays radiation, exhaust gas, virus, medicine, blood circulation obstacle, oxygen breathing.
Utilization of antioxidant alkaline hydrogen reducing water ;
For drinking 1-2 liter daily, When cooking food, tea for original taste and flavor, For skin beauty, flowers, pets. For increasing immunity and medical treatment.
Mineral Alkaline Antibacterial Filter

Natural minera filter supply activated water of small molecules structure for abundant porous porosity of average 0.4um. Improve oxygen level in our body. Mineralized water has perfectly proper proportion of minerals necessary for development of our healthy body. Mineral filter has features to eliminate germ like bacterial, virus and effect antibacterial against a broad range of bacterial for contain antibacterial silver ball. Remove bad smell and make good taste water. Make alkaline good drinking minerals(Ca, Na, K, Mg, Si..) water for contain calcium ball. Supply clean and fresh water always. Removal of the residual chlorine and heavy metals.
"Utilization of Mineral Filter :
For drinking water 1-2 liter daily, For food and drink industry, agricultural water, dairy farming, pig and chicken and fish keeping.
For drinking water 1-2 liter daily, For food and drink industry, agricultural water, dairy farming, pig and chicken and fish keeping.
Filter content materials :
mineral ceramic ball, alkaline calcium ball, antibacterial silver ball, zeolite ball, activated carbon.
mineral ceramic ball, alkaline calcium ball, antibacterial silver ball, zeolite ball, activated carbon.
Effective purification capacity : 7,000 - 8,000 liter
Replacement cycle : 12-13 months. * Type ; 8", 11", 14", others
Sediment Filter

The 5 micron filter removes effectively dust rusted remnant particles of comparatively large size. Preventing various impurities(dirt, grit, sand, rust) in water from entering other filters, the filter plays a role of extending the performance and life of the water purifier filters. Adsorbing chlorine, undesirable taste and odor in water.
Filter housing and content materials : polyethylene(korea)
Effective purification capacity : 3,300- 3,600 liter
Replacement cycle : 3-6 months depending on amount used and water quality
Filter weight : 202g +(8"), 318g +(11"), 348g +(14")
Pre-Carbon Filter

This pre-carbon filter made of high quality activated carbon. Removes residual chlorine to prevent hydrolysis of membrane and absorbs harmful organic chemicals such as dissolved trihalomethane in water.
Filter content materials : activated carbon(Japan)
Effective purification capacity :3,300 - 4,000 liter
Replacement cycle :6-8 months depending on amount used and water quality
Filter weight : 308g +(8"), 440g +(11"), 525g +(14")
Post-Carbon Filter

This post-carbon filter made of high quality activated carbon. Removes the undesirable bad taste, odor, color and absorbs some of harmful organic chemicals that may be still present. Make good taste water.
Filter content materials : activated carbon or silver activated carbon(Japan)
Effective purification capacity : 6,000 - 7,000 liter
Replacement cycle : 9-12months depending on amount used and water quality
Filter weight : 300g +(8"), 426g +(11"), 518g +(14")
UF Membrane Filter

Hollow filter membrane filter of a micro-scale pore size 0.01 um has a selective function filtering unwanted harmful microorganisms(bacterial, fungi)and chemicals while allowing the beneficial minerals(calcium, magnesium)to go through spun with highly integrated techniques, it shows excellent water permeability.
Using polysulfone as a membrane forming material, it has excellent chemical and heat resistance.
Using polysulfone as a membrane forming material, it has excellent chemical and heat resistance.
Filter content materials : PS(polysulfone)
Effective purification capacity : 7,000 liter
Replacement cycle : 12-15months depending on amount used and water quality
Filter weight : 340g +(11"), 395g +(14")
NANO Membrane Filter

Third step Nano membrane filter removes contaminants such as heavy metals, viruses, bacteria and chemical materials with 0.01 um pore.
Because of its large surface area(1m x 5m x twofold=10m/10000mm), the life is long and the water purification capacity is high. There is no waste water and it is featured that minerals exist as they are. The film-type nano membrane composed of membranes with ultra fine pores has strong internal pressure while its antifungal and sterilizing power has been strengthened. In addition to, it can supply clean living water as it is featured in preserving minerals ingredients.
Filter content materials : polysulfone(separately displayed)
Effective purification capacity : 7,000-8,000 liter
Replacement cycle : 12-18months depending on amount used and water quality.
Filter weight : 370g +(11"), 425g +(14")
RO(Reverse Osmosis) Membrane Filter
A thin membrane composed of tine stoma(pore size 0.001 um), this RO membrane perfectly filter off microorganism, virus, heavy metals, inorganic, materials, nitrogen compound and radioactive pollutants but lets only pure water, dissolved oxygen, and small amounts to pass through.
Filter content materials : polyamide
Effective purification capacity : 7,000-8,000 liter
Replacement cycle :
12-16months depending on amount used and water quality.
Water with high amount of lime may be blocked quickly.
12-16months depending on amount used and water quality.
Water with high amount of lime may be blocked quickly.
Filter weight : 550g +(11"), 670g +(14")
R/O Membrane filter daily production :
50GPD(180L), 80GPD(300L), 100GPD(375L), 150GPD(400L)
For 50-100GPD filters, press motor must be used.
50GPD(180L), 80GPD(300L), 100GPD(375L), 150GPD(400L)
For 50-100GPD filters, press motor must be used.
Water pressure :1.3kg f/cm2 -5kg f/ cm2